Vset3D Case Study | Kurdistan News

Kurdistan News and Vset3D

In this interview, we will be speaking with Naser from Kurdistan News about their experience using Vset3D. Naser will share their insights on how Vset3D has helped them create professional-looking programs and how it has set them apart from their competitors. They will also discuss the features and benefits of Vset3D that have made the biggest impact on their work.

Get ready to discover the exciting ways Vset3D has transformed its production of virtual sets.



Can you present the structure in which you work? What are its missions?

I work for a news station that broadcasts on the Internet, such as IPTV and social networks. Our mission is to provide news coverage to our audience through various channels.


Can you describe your work within this structure?

I am part of a team of 16 people. 5 of us work in the technical department, while the other members focus on content creation. Within the technical department, I am responsible for maintaining the infrastructure that allows us to deliver our content to our viewers.


Where can we watch your programs?
We have been working for 16 months and have published our content on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, etc.

We were previously known as “ASO sat” but recently decided to change your name to “Kurdistan News”. We are currently in the preparation phase and plan to start streaming within the next two months. Our programs will be available on YouTube under the name “Kurdistan News”, as well as on the Yahsat satellite and IP television services.


Have you been using Vset3D for a long time? What criteria did you decide to choose Vset3D?

I have been using VSet3D for 2 years. The primary reason for choosing this software was cost. Building a physical studio can cost “millions of dollars”, so I was looking for a virtual 3D decor that would be a more cost effective solution. After several months of research and investigation, I determined that Vset3D was the best choice out of the many options available. It offered a high degree of realism and was also easy for my team to learn and use. Even those with no technical experience were able to master the software within a week.


What do you like most about Vset3D?
Vset3D is easy to use while maintaining a high level of professional quality. It allows animation of all elements and the new version includes ray tracing based on Unity technology.


What is the single feature that exceeded your expectations?

Vset3D offers a wide range of possibilities for any virtual production, without any limitations.


What was your biggest problem solved by Vset3D?
it removed the 2D limit imposed by vMix Virtual Sets


What types of videos do you produce with Vset3D?

News and talk show


HD or 4K ?

Our final resolution is Full HD


Can you describe your setup?

We are currently using two PCs with RTX 3080 graphics cards, however, we plan to upgrade to RTX 4080 in the future. For live streaming we use vMix for switching, Vset3D for our virtual studio and OBS in some cases. Our cameras are Blackmagic studio 4K and we are planning to buy a new camera with the freeD function to improve the realism of the integration of our talents.



In your projects you broadcast videos on virtual screens, what sources do you use for their distribution and integration in vset3D?

We use a setup that combines Vset3D, Vmix and a camera to create virtual studio environments for our live broadcasts. We receive guests via Skype and use Vmix to prepare their video streams with graphic elements such as animated backgrounds. We then send the finished stream into Vset3D via NDI. We also have a presenter, whose stream is sent to Vmix1 via SDI and then to Vmix2, where we add the titles, picture in picture and audio mix. The final output is sent to our uplink section for recording and adding additional graphics such as news headlines and logos.


When you record your programs are you working live or with pre-recorded green screen files?

In our setup, we primarily work with live recordings. The majority of our programs are live broadcasted, with only a small percentage being pre-recorded.


The Vset3D Control Panel allows you to control animations and camera
switching. How do you interact with it, keyboard or network commands
from another device?

One of the standout features of Vset3D is its ability to create custom virtual camera movements and its smooth professional crane function that mimics real-world movements. We haven’t explored the possibility of using network commands to control the camera yet, but we plan to test using a Stream Deck in the future.


When using Vset3D did you need to request VSet3D support by email? did you get any relevant answers?

I have had positive experiences with Vset3D’s email support team. I have sent them over 50 emails and always received prompt responses. They are very responsive and helpful, and even provided solutions to issues that I couldn’t resolve on my own. They also provided me with well-prepared files which were helpful for my needs.


You called on the customization service of vset3D for the configuration of your Sets, how did this collaboration go?  What was the benefit for you?

I used Vset3D’s virtual set customization service and was very pleased with the results. I recently ordered two customizations, both of which turned out perfect. The Vset3D team was able to accommodate all of my requests and even went above and beyond to create a virtual crane that moves smoothly and produces camera output that looks like a real crane. Overall, I am very satisfied with the service provided by Vset3D.


Can you tell us about the cranes present in your projects and their modification made by the vset3D customization service, what has it added to your videos?

I am impressed with the virtual crane that Vset3D provided us. Camera movement is smooth and realistic, with features like a rail to roll on, an arrow that can rotate around the horizontal and vertical axes. In addition, the boom has two telescopic segments which can also be animated, and finally the best feature is the ability to control pan and tilt just by animating the crane camera target. So we have in our studios a professional crane equipped with a virtual camera that can be used as a video output. It’s amazing.

How was your overall experience with Vset3D?

Using Vset3D has allowed us to create professional quality programs. As a result, we were able to outperform our competitors. Our fan base continues to grow and we attribute this success in part to Vset3D.


And finally, If someone called you and asked if they should do business with Vset3D, what would you say?

If someone called me and asked me if they should do business with Vset3D, I would tell them to go. They are among the best in this industry and are very reliable, which is a crucial factor.