Vset3D Case Study | Vecteur M

Vecteur M

We will have a conversation with Olivier Madar, a representative of Vecteur M, to learn about their experience with Vset3D. Olivier will provide us with valuable information on how Vset3D has assisted them in their video production efforts. Additionally, they will elaborate on the attributes and advantages of Vset3D.


Can you present the structure in which you work? What are its missions?

Vecteur M is an agency that specializes in designing and creating various types of control rooms, including fixed control rooms, mobile control rooms in trucks and flight cases, and control rooms with remote access. We employ our own control rooms to facilitate the execution of live events, ranging from small to large scale. To create 3D sets, we have incorporated Vset3D as our primary tool.


Can you describe your work within this structure?

I am the CEO of Vecteur M


Where can we watch your programs?
On the web, on our clients’ websites communication agencies, publishers, etc.
On LinkedIn for Vecteur M news


Have you been using Vset3D for a long time? What criteria did you decide to choose Vset3D?


We have been using VSet3D for about 2 years.

The main challenge with virtual reality software, besides their purchase price, has been the effort required to use them properly. The risk is that after several weeks of testing and expenses in licenses and equipment, we may realize that the product does not meet our expectations.

When I accidentally discovered Vset3D while browsing the web, I was pleasantly surprised to have easy access to Fred, the product developer. The low cost of the license and the ease of communication with support convinced me to try the product, and I have not regretted it !

What do you like most about Vset3D?

It is a high-performance and user-friendly product. It integrates perfectly with our traditional production tools Blackmagic, vmix…


What is the single feature that exceeded your expectations?

We were impressed by the Keyer’s exceptional quality.


What was your biggest problem solved by Vset3D?

The integration of characters into a virtual set was the focus of our request, and Vset3D perfectly met our needs.


What types of videos do you produce with Vset3D?

We create sets with characters located in remote locations gathered in the same virtual place. We plan to use Vset3D in the future to produce MOOCs and cover congresses in foreign countries.


HD or 4K ?

For now, we are sticking with 1080p HD


Can you describe your setup?

We use Panasonic PTZ cameras that support the FreeD protocol (which we have not yet used). Our machines are highly optimized PCs with top-of-the-line graphics cards, processors, and memory. We have a studio with a green screen but also have mobile configurations with a green screen to be able to operate from anywhere.


When you record your programs are you working live or with pre-recorded green screen files?

We use both options.


In your projects you broadcast videos on virtual screens, what sources do you use for their distribution and integration in vset3D? vMix, NDI, SDI… 

We use Vmix, NDI, and SDI


The Vset3D Control Panel allows you to control animations and camera switching. How do you interact with it, keyboard or network commands from another device?

For now, we control Vset3D using a mouse and keyboard, but network IP control is a real advantage.


When using Vset3D did you need to request VSet3D support by email? did you get any relevant answers?

Before even seriously considering the product, I started by testing the support. The most important thing was to avoid getting stuck with a buggy product without the possibility of resolving any potential issues.

We customized the 3D environment with the help of a 3D graphic designer, but having an online store with presets that can be easily modified by the user is a real advantage.


How was your overall experience with Vset3D?

We love the product (that’s why you’re reading these lines ;-) )


And finally, If someone called you and asked if they should do business with Vset3D, what would you say?

Go, go, go !!